Natural Fragrance
Most Authentic and pure Herbs
Essential Oil
concentrated plant extracts
Energy Drink
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Add to cartHawan Samagri
Add to cartPooja products
Add to cartDivine Vedic Holistic Way To Good Health With Herbs
Gaureesh seeks to revisit the original era to pooja, Dhoop, Yagya Hawan, Samagri, and Organic herbal Kanda, Cow Dung Cake, essential
Oil by reviving ancient methodology to create products that keep their traditional benefits in the text while making it possible for the discerning consumers of today to integrate these into everyday life in a
delightfully sensorial and luxurious manor premium product Indian ancient heritage.

पौधों पर आधारित चिकित्सा पद्धति
विश्व में अब तक जितनी भी चिकित्सा पद्धति विकसित हुई है उसमें सबसे प्राचीन पद्धति सर्वप्रथम लगभग 5000 वर्ष पूर्व भारत में आयुर्वेद के रूप

Gaureesh vaidik Puja samagri, dhup, Yagya, havan samagri and vaidik organic herbal kanda, cow dung cake
Essential oils, florals water and itra
Mental health care(restrict functional medicinal) companion materialHarmonizing mind body intervention with five elements mindfulness neuro relaxation concentration mood freshener mental health developmentall wellnessrelease emotion likeAnger

Divine Vaidik Holistic way to good health with herbs Increase your happiness
गौरीश प्रोडक्ट से मानसिक शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य के साथ श्रेयस ऊर्जा ओजस्विता प्रसन्नता उत्साह उमंग चेतना पाएं अच्छे आयनों की संख्या बढ़ाएंयह प्राकृतिक हल प्राकृतिक माध्यम

No pollution only eco-clean solution positivity
We are born out of the need to start at the beginning to go to the roots of problemWe seek to find solution to the

Indian ancient heritage functional holistic living
The use of rituals believed to have originated in Bharat with the earliest records of their application dating back to the Indus valley civilization Vedic

Gaueesh products
Fresh and balance pure natural original authentic and traditionalGaureesh product is an Indian brand with modern aesthetic for a more relevant embassies on efficiency sensorial